What are we about?

We strive to provide delegates with a modern system to debate, communicate, and problem solve on interesting and thought provoking topics. Our goal to empower delegates through realistic and fantastical committees provides delegates with different interests the opportunity to partake in stimulating debate. Now, in our eleventh year, NYUMUNC has grown into the largest student-led collegiate conference at New York University, showcasing an incredibly diverse set of ideas, initiatives and people from across the world.

In our commitment to empowering delegates, we pride ourselves on our four points of distinction, namely: D.A.I.S.

The DAIS Difference

  • Delegate Empowerment. Actions that each delegate in any of our 15 crisis committees take have the potential to impact any other delegate in the conference.

  • Authenticity. Our dedicated staff undergo months of tireless research and training to ensure that our simulation and your experience is as real as you want it to be.

  • Innovation. The technological heart of NYUMUNC, our proprietary and actively developed “Systems,” enables delegates to receive timely news updates and respond swiftly to international issues in real-time by electronic communication.

  • Size. We pride ourselves on being one of the largest crisis conferences in the world.


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